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Why invest in property?
- Savers looking for returns on their money have faced slim pickings over the past decade. Interest rates are currently at historic lows of 0.1% so there is very little financial benefit to leaving in the bank. After 1 year £10,000 in a bank account would net you £10 in interest. As we can see from that example, a tenner for giving the bank £10,000 of your money for a whole year is not going to help your net worth increase – in fact due to the rate of inflation (currently just under 2% in 2020) your purchasing power actually diminishes after one year. Therefore your wealth is being eroded away year by year.
- The UK is an island with a finite supply of houses. According to Government projections, at the current rate of expansion we need to build 300,000 houses per year just to keep up with demand, and we are currently building less than half the number of houses we were in the 1960s. This undersupply of housing means excellent demand for high quality properties.
- Compared with the stock market, property offers the opportunity to see far greater gains for a low level of risk.
- Over the years successive Governments consistently look to support the housing market with schemes such as help to buy.
- Trends change – younger people are more transient than a few decades ago and also demand good quality rental accommodation. Some customers love the ability to join a house share will all the bills taken care of and no unforeseen surprises that crop up from house ownership such as a boiler breaking or roofing problems.
- People today have busy lifestyles – Often both parents work, we are constantly juggling children, work and other demands yet finance is readily available and so many people like to move into a property that meets their needs rather than move into a run down property and renovate it themselves. This is where we come in. We provide renovated properties to a high standard for people to rent or own.
- Rental demand has doubled over the past ten years and its forecast to do so again.
- House buying is ingrained in the British Psyche. We love the idea of making a house a home and hence there will always be demand for property, especially when renovated to a high standard.
How do you invest my money?
- We offer numerous investing strategies to suit, from long term investments looking for capital growth to short term flips (buy a property, refurbish and sell) where you wish to pull your money out in a shorter period of time.
- We take you through the deals as we acquire them and should you invest for a fixed period of time, we provide regular updates to show progress and pay you the agreed amount at the end of the term.
- We can supply you with an investor pack showing what we look for in property deals and where your money will be invested.
- Each project comes with a detailed financial breakdown so you have the complete clarity on the project.
- We take our reputation very seriously and treat your money like our own – we want to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with our investors for the long term.
Why should I invest today, won't property prices drop?
With the COVID-19 pandemic, its possible job losses may temporarily subdue the housing market in the short term. Yet since April we have seen record prices being paid at auction, even for properties in very poor condition. First time buyer demand also remains very high. Whatever the macro climate in the short term, we believe with prudent investment there are always opportunities in property. Even in times of recession, we can often obtain excellent properties that are unloved, or tired at fantastic prices, add value and return them to the market. Alternatively we can rent these properties to an excellent standard for cash flow. At the end of the day we live on an island with a finite housing resource therefore over the long term property is always a sound investment.